
5am VS. 6am

Many successful people wake up early to start their day, including myself.  I get up early to go workout at the gym. It has become an addiction and something I look forward to.  It is also something I miss when I can’t or don’t.

This past week, I woke up at 4:30am to get to the gym at 5:00am for my workout.  I got into my daughter’s car (because she parks behind me in our driveway) and it wouldn’t start.  Bummer! I couldn’t go to the gym. I went back inside and went back to bed for another hour.

I got up and started my regular routine of coffee and devotion.  I got ready for work and went outside to jump her car with my other daughter’s car, so we could all go to work.  All day I was tired and had no energy, even though I drank the same amount of coffee, did the same school activities, and ate the same meals.  When I got home, I decided to go to bed early, like an hour early than I normally would.

The next day, I woke up at 4:30am to go to the gym.  I worked out and became so energized by the adrenaline, I felt great!  I went home and began my regular morning routine. I had my normal amount of coffee, did the same school activities and ate the same meals.  I was a bouncing, energetic, force of nature walking into the school that morning and I was the same when I walked out of the school to go home.

It was like night and day for me those two days.  I could tell a difference. I have been getting up at 4:30am for 6 months.  It is a part of me and my routine. I cannot function without having that in the morning. And that is without coffee! Yeah, I said, “without coffee”. (for those who know me well)  I felt successful, fueled up, ready to take on the world and my students.

I have learned alot from this obedience and consistency. (1)You have to know yourself and be honest, either you can do it or you can’t.   (2)You have stick with it long enough to become a habit or a have-to. (3)You have to decide what to do, if you can’t do it that day. Maybe make it up in the afternoon or not at all.  But don’t beat yourself up about it. You are allowed to be human. (4) Become your own cheerleader. Not everyone is on your side and may think your crazy or talk you out of it. But you know you and you know what is best for you.

It works for me and maybe it could for you!  I feel my best and do my best when I get up earlier to start my day.  I also go to bed earlier and get all my beauty sleep and it shows. To be your best self is to decide what’s important for you and to you. Happy Searching!  By the way, It’s my bedtime (9:00pm), so my alarm says. Goodnight!

1 thought on “5am VS. 6am”

  1. Great article! I had a regimen similar to yours a few years back ; 3:45 am , cold shower, then off to the gym , cofffe shop then work . I loved it! Highly addicting for sure and I think the reason I was so regimented was it allowed me to enjoy the world alone. No one else seams to be awake at that time . It was just me and the world and it was awesome! Since relocating to a different state and different work schedule I now wake up at 6, train, cold showers, tea, and then work. Don’t know what I’d do without a morning schedule. It sets me up for an incredible mood and sustains my energy for the day ahead.


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